입력받은 커맨드를 실행하고, 그 실행 시간을 측정한다. 유닉스 쉘의 입력 부분만 흉내낸 것
Get command from user, then calculate the command's execute time.
This is a simple UNIX shell. Just make command input part
#include <sys/types.h> //for types for time and etc.
#include <sys/wait.h> //for wait()
#include <signal.h> //for signal catching
#include "ourhdr.h" //System Programming Default Header
#include <sys/times.h> //for times()
static void sig_int(int); /* our signal-catching function */
static void report(void); // print report
static void pr_times(clock_t, struct tms *, struct tms *); //time checker
//global variable : to save data
char cmd[80][80];
double rtime[80];
double utime[80];
double stime[80];
int num_of_cmd = -1; // counter
// MAIN //////////////////////////////////////
int main(void)
char buf[MAXLINE];
pid_t pid;
int status;
struct tms tmsstart, tmsend; //structure for time check
clock_t start, end; //variable for time
if (signal(SIGINT, sig_int) == SIG_ERR) //signal checker
{ err_sys("signal error"); }
printf("%% "); /* print prompt (printf requires %% to print %) */
while (fgets(buf, MAXLINE, stdin) != NULL) //^D를 제외한 입력의 경우 : ^D이면 루프 끝
buf[strlen(buf) - 1] = 0; /* replace newline with null */
num_of_cmd++; // Counter ++
if ( (pid = fork()) < 0)
{ err_sys("fork error"); }
else if (pid == 0)
/* child */
execlp(buf, buf, (char *) 0); //입력받은 커맨드 실행 후 else if 블록을 빠져나감
// 커맨드가 실행되지 않는 경우
err_ret("couldn't execute: %s", buf);
strcpy (cmd[num_of_cmd], buf); //입력 받은 커맨드를 전역변수 배열에 저장
if ( (start = times(&tmsstart)) == -1) /* starting values */
{ err_sys("times error"); }
/* parent */
if ( (pid = waitpid(pid, &status, 0)) < 0)
{ err_sys("waitpid error"); }
if ( (end = times(&tmsend)) == -1) /* ending values */
{ err_sys("times error"); }
pr_times(end-start, &tmsstart, &tmsend); //시간 계산
printf("%% "); //프롬프트 출력
report(); //^D 입력시 루프 종료 후 결과 표시
void sig_int(int signo) //시그널 입력 시 출력
//printf("interrupt\n%% ");
static void pr_times(clock_t real, struct tms *tmsstart, struct tms *tmsend) // 시간 체크
static long clktck = 0;
if (clktck == 0) /* fetch clock ticks per second first time */
if ( (clktck = sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK)) < 0) //시스템 상수를 받아옴
{ err_sys("sysconf error"); }
// fprintf(stderr, " real:\t\t%7.2f\n", real / (double) clktck);
// fprintf(stderr, " user:\t\t%7.2f\n", (tmsend->tms_cutime - tmsstart->tms_cutime) / (double) clktck);
// fprintf(stderr, " system:\t%7.2f\n", (tmsend->tms_cstime - tmsstart->tms_cstime) / (double) clktck);
rtime[num_of_cmd] = real / (double) clktck; //시간을 계산하여 배열에 저장
utime[num_of_cmd] = (tmsend->tms_cutime - tmsstart->tms_cutime) / (double) clktck;
stime[num_of_cmd] = (tmsend->tms_cstime - tmsstart->tms_cstime) / (double) clktck;
void report(void)
int loop;
for (loop = 0; loop <=num_of_cmd; loop++) //전체 시행 시간을 계산, 배열의 마지막에 추가
strcpy (cmd[num_of_cmd+1], "Total");
rtime[num_of_cmd+1] += rtime[loop];
utime[num_of_cmd+1] += utime[loop];
stime[num_of_cmd+1] += stime[loop];
// 출력 시작
printf ("\n\t\tProcess\tSystem time\tUse time\tReal time\n");
for (loop = 0; loop <=num_of_cmd; loop++)
if (rtime[loop]==0 && utime[loop]==0 && stime[loop]==0) //커맨드 오류시 모든 시간이 0로 표시됨을 이용, 에러커맨드는 출력하지 않음
{ /* Do nothing */ }
fprintf(stderr, " %s:\t", cmd[loop]);
fprintf(stderr, " \t\t%7.2f",rtime[loop]);
fprintf(stderr, " \t%7.2f", utime[loop]);
fprintf(stderr, " \t%7.2f\n", stime[loop]);
// total 값 출력
printf ("-------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
fprintf(stderr, " %s:\t", cmd[num_of_cmd+1]);
fprintf(stderr, " \t%7.2f",rtime[num_of_cmd+1]);
fprintf(stderr, " \t%7.2f", utime[num_of_cmd+1]);
fprintf(stderr, " \t%7.2f\n", stime[num_of_cmd+1]);
Get command from user, then calculate the command's execute time.
This is a simple UNIX shell. Just make command input part
#include <sys/types.h> //for types for time and etc.
#include <sys/wait.h> //for wait()
#include <signal.h> //for signal catching
#include "ourhdr.h" //System Programming Default Header
#include <sys/times.h> //for times()
static void sig_int(int); /* our signal-catching function */
static void report(void); // print report
static void pr_times(clock_t, struct tms *, struct tms *); //time checker
//global variable : to save data
char cmd[80][80];
double rtime[80];
double utime[80];
double stime[80];
int num_of_cmd = -1; // counter
// MAIN //////////////////////////////////////
int main(void)
char buf[MAXLINE];
pid_t pid;
int status;
struct tms tmsstart, tmsend; //structure for time check
clock_t start, end; //variable for time
if (signal(SIGINT, sig_int) == SIG_ERR) //signal checker
{ err_sys("signal error"); }
printf("%% "); /* print prompt (printf requires %% to print %) */
while (fgets(buf, MAXLINE, stdin) != NULL) //^D를 제외한 입력의 경우 : ^D이면 루프 끝
buf[strlen(buf) - 1] = 0; /* replace newline with null */
num_of_cmd++; // Counter ++
if ( (pid = fork()) < 0)
{ err_sys("fork error"); }
else if (pid == 0)
/* child */
execlp(buf, buf, (char *) 0); //입력받은 커맨드 실행 후 else if 블록을 빠져나감
// 커맨드가 실행되지 않는 경우
err_ret("couldn't execute: %s", buf);
strcpy (cmd[num_of_cmd], buf); //입력 받은 커맨드를 전역변수 배열에 저장
if ( (start = times(&tmsstart)) == -1) /* starting values */
{ err_sys("times error"); }
/* parent */
if ( (pid = waitpid(pid, &status, 0)) < 0)
{ err_sys("waitpid error"); }
if ( (end = times(&tmsend)) == -1) /* ending values */
{ err_sys("times error"); }
pr_times(end-start, &tmsstart, &tmsend); //시간 계산
printf("%% "); //프롬프트 출력
report(); //^D 입력시 루프 종료 후 결과 표시
void sig_int(int signo) //시그널 입력 시 출력
//printf("interrupt\n%% ");
static void pr_times(clock_t real, struct tms *tmsstart, struct tms *tmsend) // 시간 체크
static long clktck = 0;
if (clktck == 0) /* fetch clock ticks per second first time */
if ( (clktck = sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK)) < 0) //시스템 상수를 받아옴
{ err_sys("sysconf error"); }
// fprintf(stderr, " real:\t\t%7.2f\n", real / (double) clktck);
// fprintf(stderr, " user:\t\t%7.2f\n", (tmsend->tms_cutime - tmsstart->tms_cutime) / (double) clktck);
// fprintf(stderr, " system:\t%7.2f\n", (tmsend->tms_cstime - tmsstart->tms_cstime) / (double) clktck);
rtime[num_of_cmd] = real / (double) clktck; //시간을 계산하여 배열에 저장
utime[num_of_cmd] = (tmsend->tms_cutime - tmsstart->tms_cutime) / (double) clktck;
stime[num_of_cmd] = (tmsend->tms_cstime - tmsstart->tms_cstime) / (double) clktck;
void report(void)
int loop;
for (loop = 0; loop <=num_of_cmd; loop++) //전체 시행 시간을 계산, 배열의 마지막에 추가
strcpy (cmd[num_of_cmd+1], "Total");
rtime[num_of_cmd+1] += rtime[loop];
utime[num_of_cmd+1] += utime[loop];
stime[num_of_cmd+1] += stime[loop];
// 출력 시작
printf ("\n\t\tProcess\tSystem time\tUse time\tReal time\n");
for (loop = 0; loop <=num_of_cmd; loop++)
if (rtime[loop]==0 && utime[loop]==0 && stime[loop]==0) //커맨드 오류시 모든 시간이 0로 표시됨을 이용, 에러커맨드는 출력하지 않음
{ /* Do nothing */ }
fprintf(stderr, " %s:\t", cmd[loop]);
fprintf(stderr, " \t\t%7.2f",rtime[loop]);
fprintf(stderr, " \t%7.2f", utime[loop]);
fprintf(stderr, " \t%7.2f\n", stime[loop]);
// total 값 출력
printf ("-------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
fprintf(stderr, " %s:\t", cmd[num_of_cmd+1]);
fprintf(stderr, " \t%7.2f",rtime[num_of_cmd+1]);
fprintf(stderr, " \t%7.2f", utime[num_of_cmd+1]);
fprintf(stderr, " \t%7.2f\n", stime[num_of_cmd+1]);
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